Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Teaching movement and butoh

So I'm on a hiatus from teaching butoh and movement. It's all good. The truth is I'm not taking a total hiatus from teaching movement because I still teach yoga and fitness. More opportunities came to me for that and I took it. Yay!

However, I still have an itch to teach butoh and other dance/movement. I got to teach butoh to a friend on Sunday and it was so much fun. I love watching how others embody the exercises. Since there's no real technique or right/wrong way to do it, it's amazing what comes out of others' bodies. I may have an idea in my head of what something looks like or an expectation of what the exercise will look like, but I love when I get surprises. I know how my body receives the exercise one way, but it amazes me what I get when I teach this stuff! It actually challenges me to do the work in a different way.

That's why I love teaching what I teach. It's different everytime. I'm different everytime. The students are different everytime, even if they're regulars. The exercises may be the same, but they're different everytime.

I'll be heading to NYC this weekend to see Vangeline Theater's show, 5th of Butoh. I can't wait to witness and embody what the dancers will show. I can't wait to be inspired!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Something's gotta...

Give? I don't know. Just playing with titles and themes of my next solo piece happening March 23rd (stay tuned for details!)

Of course, when I think of that statement, it's not accidental that it came to mind. After a VERY wonderful, intense Kundalini Yoga and Meditation workshop yesterday, so much stuff is flowing, showing, and running all over the place I really don't know how to put it into words. So movement and dancing is the best thing I can do for myself in those situations.

Emotions have been making a presence too. Totally fine, but unexpectedly -- showering, driving -- ya know, the usual places. Where is the best place to cry? Is there REALLY a "place" for "it"? A "time" for "it"? I don't believe that. If ya feel it, let it out.

Exploring movement today with objects, spaces and structures. I feel my movement/dance is going into a different direction. It's growing. On my way to rehearsal, I listened to music that I used in a piece two years ago. I thought showing a piece already complete would be a little easier on me since I have TWO other group pieces to remember. But, OF COURSE, I start warming up, which leads to free movement, which leads to ideas, ideas, ideas. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'm so grateful that I can create and find new material for myself. It's not an easy thing. Those who choreograph dance/any kind of movement know what I'm talking about.

This post may sound like a ramble, but sometimes rambling gets the shit out so new ideas can flourish. I'm very excited what NEW ideas and inspirations will manifest in the next couple of months. I must commit to this change; this shift that is happening now. I've been feeling it for quite sometime. That I need to let go of things not serving me anymore. So maybe that's what gotta give?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


During my movement practice last night, I wrote the word, "containment" down. This word has come up before in past butoh/movement/dance classes and discussions. I revisited a piece I did back in October of 2009. It came from lots of personal experience, but also the way we, humans, people, hold in our emotions, which can manifest out in so many ways. I'm sure you can relate to this, and it's been one of my main investigations within butoh. How we as individuals contain our energy (emotions). Also, the reasons as to why we contain them. We all have reasons for doing it. For example, we don't want to hurt others feelings; we judge ourselves and others; we feel ashamed if we express it; or we're scared because of a time when we did express those emotions somehing unpleasant or traumatic happened. Whatever it may be, we all have been conditioned to contain "it" in some way, whether it by our parents, a teacher, childhood friend, etc.

As I allowed myself to revisit this material and moment in time, it was actually hard to contain the energy with my movement. I actually had to stop and take breaks. As this piece reflects a part of me, I thought to myself, "WOW! I was holding a LOT!" I was really scared to be me. I feared what others thought about me. I was ashamed to feel angry or sad about anything that would make anyone angry or sad.

I realize now that movement and dance, especially butoh, has helped me release this energy/emotions in a healthy, positive way. It's harder for me to NOT express myself. Yes, it's scary. Yes, it makes me feel vulnerable. But it's that need to be seen and heard that is being met. I feel understood and acknowledged.

One may feel it's self-indulgent and narcissistic; and it was probably ME who felt that way! HA! (Thanks negative self-talk for sharing). But really. The majority of the time, the dance, is for me.

If you have 20 minutes, check out my solo, "Me Bardo". The piece that I revisited last night.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rehearsal 10-7-13

Rehearsal 10/7/13 from Liz Filippone on Vimeo.

A rehearsal at The Center for Nia and Yoga where I rehearse, teach and take classes, and will be performing a few pieces on March 23, 2014. This was an improvisation playing with exercises and images from butoh, breath, ocean waves, bees, strings, and other elemental, atmospheric landscapes, which were inspired by the music. Music by Solid Eye and Saru.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Butoh Practice: The Seaweed Body

From last night's Butoh Class/Practice....

The "Seaweed Body" Exercise: (A piece of the Free-write done after guided movement, never letting the pen leave the paper for a straight 3-5 min.)

"Fluid breath wormhole stream consciousness flow energy pathway synergistic patterns stuck caught damp sharp low tingling liquid"

Come PLAY and SEE for yourself every Monday night 7:15p-8:30p at The Center for Nia & Yoga. Located at 4 Central Avenue in Albany, NY.

Friday, October 4, 2013


So, if you knew me really well, you would know how much I LOVE dancing, moving, shaking, etc. I also have a love affair with Butoh. I don't know what it is about this movement art that keeps me coming back, asking questions, pondering, thinking, feeling about everything in life as we know it. Therefore, I'm so excited to share that I will be offering a Butoh Technique class on Monday nights! Although, I feel there's no right or wrong way to do Butoh; in fact you don't need any dance or movement background at all. But that's what I'm talking about! It's really something you can't explain fully and clearly to someone who's never heard or seen it. You have to experience it for yourself...MANY TIMES. So...COME SEE FOR YOURSELF!

Mondays 7:15pm-8:30pm
with Liz Filippone
The Center for Nia & Yoga
4 Central Ave Albany, NY

Butoh is an avant garde performance art that emerged out of Post-World War II Japan. It touches on the light and dark of life. It’s a movement investigation and exploration. Liz’s classes integrate butoh, physical theater exercises, guided-visualization and imagery, yogic techniques, and core conditioning. No dance background is required. In her classes, you will:

-create more space and openness on a physical, mental, energetic level
-connect with your core being to reveal what lives and breathes inside
-reduce stress and express yourself!